Page:Ruffhead and Runnington - The Statutes at Large - vol 16 (12).djvu/15

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15. An Act for naturalizing Noah Turmine.

16. An Act for naturalizing Matthias Koops.

17. An Act for embanking the Common Salt Marsh within the Parishes of Terrington Saint Clement's, and Terrington Saint John's, in the County of Norfolk, and for dividing and inclosing the same, and other Commons within the said Parishes.

18. An Act for dividing and allotting the Open and Commonable Lands within the Manor of Deverill Longbridge, Hussey Deverill, and Monkton Deverill, in the County of Wilts.

19. An Act for dividing and inclosing the Open Common Fields, and other Commonable Lands, within the Parish of Dormstone, in the County of Worcester.

20. An Act for dividing and inclosing the Open Common Fields, Pastures, and other Commonable Lands and Waste Grounds, within the Parish of Harby, in the County of Leicester.

21. An Act for naturalizing Willem Blaauw.

22. An Act for dividing and inclosing the Open Fields, Common Meadows and Pastures, Common and Waste Lands, in the Liberty or Lordship of Mickleover, in the County of Derby.

23. An Act for dividing and inclosing Part of a certain Common or Waste Land, called Road Common, within the Manor of Road and Langham, in the Parishes of Road and North Bradley, in the Counties of Somerset and Wilts.

24. An Act for dividing and inclosing the Common and Waste Grounds, within the Manor of Bleatarn, in the Parish of Warcop, in the County of Westmorland.

25. An Act to confirm and establish the Division, Allotment, and Inclosure, of the Open Fields, Meadows, Pastures, Commons, and Waste Grounds, lying in the Parish of Cotgrave, in the County of Nottingham, and also several Exchanges of Lands within the said Parish.

26. An Act for dividing and inclosing the Common and Open Fields, Meadows, Commonable Lands, and Waste Grounds, in the Parish of Polebrook, in the County of Northampton.

27. An Act for impowering the Trustees of the Most Noble Henry Duke of Newcastle to lay out Part of his settled Money in the Purchase of a Leasehold Manor, Messuages, Farms, Lands, Tythes, Tenements, and Hereditaments, lying intermixed, or convenient to be enjoyed, with his settled Estates in the Counties of Nottingham and York, upon the like Trusts, and with the like Powers, as his said Estates now stand settled upon, or are subject or liable to.

28. An Act for Sale of Part of the settled Estates of Richard Wilson, Esquire, deceased, in the County of York, and for settling other Estates, in the County of the City of York, in Lieu thereof.

29. An Act for vesting the settled Estates of the Reverend Stephen White, Doctor of Laws, in London, Middlesex, Surrey, and Hertfordshire, in Trustees, to be sold, and for laying out the Purchase Money in other Estates to be settled to the same Uses, and for enabling the Trustees in the mean Time to grant Building and Repairing Leases.

30. An Act to enable Sir John Riddell, Baronet, to use the Surname and Arms of Buchanan, pursuant to the Will of Archibald Buchanan, Esquire, deceased, and for vesting cerrain Estates in the Counties of Bedford and Bucks, devised by the said Will to the Uses therein mentioned, in Trustees to sell the same, for discharging Incumbrances thereon, and to lay out the Residue of the Money arising by such Sale in the Purchase of Lands to be settled to the same Uses, and for other Purposes.

31. An Act for exchanging the settled Estate of the Reverend John Templer, in the County of Kent, for another Estate of greater Value in the County of Devon, to be settled in Lieu thereof.

32. An Act for settling and securing the Lands of Quintinespie, Kirklands, and others, and the Teinds, Parsonage, and Vicarage of the Lands of Redcastle, and others, lying in the Stewartry of Kirkcudbright, to and in Favour of Mistress Margaret Lawrie of Redcastle, Widow of the deceased Andrew Lawrie, Esquire, of Redcastle, and the same Series of Heirs in Fee Tail, and under the same Conditions and Limitations as are mentioned and contained in two Deeds of Entail, made in the Years one thousand seven hundred and twenty-seven and one thousand seven hundred and thirty-three, by Mr. Walter Lawrie of Redcastle, and for vesting in the aforesaid Mistress Margaret Lawrie, and her Heirs and Assigns in Fee Simple, the Lands of Mool and Cairn, and others, in the County of Wigton.

33. An Act for vesting certain Parts of the settled Estates of Thomas Estcourt, Esquire, in the Counties of Gloucester and Wilts, in Trustees to be sold and exchanged, and for laying out Part of the Money arising by Sale in other Estates, to be settled to the same Uses, and for applying the Residue in Discharge of Incumbrances.

34. An Act to effectuate and establish an Exchange between William Colhoun, Esquire, with the Provost and College of Eton, of the Advowson and Right of Patronage of and to the Consolidated or United Rectories of Creeting All Saints and Creeting Saint Olaves, in the County of Suffolk, for the Advowson and Right of Patronage of and to the Rectory of East Wretham, in the County of Norfolk.

35. An Act to effectuate and establish an Exchange between William Colhoun, Esquire, and the Provost and Scholars of the King’s College of Blessed Mary and Saint Nicholas, of Cambridge, of the Advowson and Right of Patronage of and to the Rectory of Hepworth, in the County of Suffolk, and certain Pieces of Land and Hereditaments in Hepworth aforesaid, for the Advowson and Right of Patronage of and to the Rectory of West Wretham, in the County of Norfolk.

36. An Act for vesting Part of the settled Estates of the most Noble Charles Duke of Norfolk, in the County of Sussex, in him the said Duke, in Fee, and for settling other Estates of the said Duke, in the same County, of equal or greater Value, in Lieu thereof.

37. An Act for vesting the Manor of Fisherton Delamere otherwise Fisherton Delamore, and other Hereditaments, in the County of Wilts, devised by the Will of the most Noble Charles, formerly Duke of Bolton, with the Appurtenances, in Trustees, discharged of the Uses and Trusts of the said Will, for the Purpose of more effectually carrying into Execution certain Decrees or Decretal Orders of the Court of Chancery for the Sale of the said Estates.

38. An Act to confirm a Lease lately made by Henry Nevill, Earl of Abergavenny, of certain Entailed Mines, and other Hereditaments, in the County of Monmouth, and to enable granting future Leases of the said Entailed Mines, and other Hereditaments, and also of all other Estates of which the said Earl is seized, as Tenant in Tail Male, under an Act of Parliament passed in the second and third Years of the Reign of King Philip and Queen Mary, and under the Limitations in the last Will of George Lord Abergavenny, in the said Act of Philip and Mary mentioned.

39. An Act for vesting the settled Estates of Richard Hat-chett,