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Chance may spoil
A single aim; but Perſeverance must
Prosper at last. Home.

o RESEMBLES an oval, its breadth is two thirds of its length, and is the ſame with that of n, and is uſed as a meaſure for other letters.

The diſtance from the top to the bottom of o is generally called a length, and from the left to the right ſide of it a breadth, and the breadth of its downward ſtroke a thickneſs.

In making the o, begin on the right ſide, a third below the upper line.

When o forms a part of other letters, as a, d, g and q, it is a thickneſs leſs than a breadth.

b Is four lengths, and the ſame breadth as a and d at the bottom.

c Is made in the ſame manner as an o,