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Spain, Its Greatness and Decay, 1479–1788. By Martin A. S. Hume. Third edition revised by Edward Armstrong, M.A., Fellow of Queen's College, Oxford. With 2 maps. Crown 8vo. 6s net. Cambridge Historical Series.

Modern Spain, 1815–1898. By H. Butler Clarke, M.A. With a memoir by the Rev. W. H. Hutton, B.D. With a map. Crown 8vo. 5s 6d net. Cambridge Historical Series.

Italy from 1494 to 1790. By Mrs H. M. Vernon (K. Dorothea Ewart). With 4 maps. Crown 8vo. 5s 6d net. Cambridge Historical Series.

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The Ottoman Empire, 1801–1913. By W. Miller, M.A., (Oxon.), Hon. LL.D. in the National University of Greece. With 4 maps. Crown 8vo. 7s 6d net. Cambridge Historical Series

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