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the green garden and refresh ourselves." As they strolled among its flowers, again there rose the cloud, shaped like a great black crow, and he said: "Let us return with all speed to the Palace, for a fierce tornado is upon us." They did so, but before they had had time to sit down, there came a terrific clap of thunder, the ceiling split and opened, and into the room flew a crow. As it alighted it became a graceful youth, who said:

"Prosperity to thee, Tzarevich Alexis! In the past I came to thy realm as a visitor, but now I come seeking a wife. Grant me, I pray, thy little sister Helena to wed."

"If she favor thy suit, I may not refuse her," returned the Tzarevich. "Wilt thou say 'aye,' my sister?"

The Hawk and the Eagle had been handsome but the Crow was even more brilliant and splendid than they and Tzarevna Helena agreed without delay. The marriage took place at once and the Crow set out with his bride for his own Tzardom.

Tzarevich Alexis, left solitary, was sad and lonely and when a whole year had passed without sight or sound of them, he said to himself: "I will go and search for my three little sisters." So he called for his best horse and rode out into the white world.