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Gaut. Heaven avert the omen, my sweet child! May every delight attend thee!

[They all advance.

Priest. [Shewing the king to them.] There, holy men, is the protector of the people; who has taken his seat, and expects you.

Sárn. This is what we wished; yet we have no private interest in the business. It is ever thus: trees are bent by the abundance of their fruit; clouds are brought low, when they teem with salubrious rain; and the real benefactors of mankind are not elated by riches.

Ward. O king, the holy guests appear before you with placid looks, indicating their affection.

Dushm. [Gazing at Sacontalá] Ah! what damsel is that, whose mantle conceals the far greater part of her beautiful form? She looks, among the hermits, like a fresh green bud among faded and yellow leaves.

Ward. This at least, O king, is apparent; that she has a form which deserves to be seen more distinctly.

Dushm. Let her still be covered; she seems pregnant; and the wife of another must not be seen even by me.

Sac. [Aside, with her hand to her bosom.] O my heart, why dost thou palpitate?—Remember the beginning of thy lord's affection, and be tranquil.

Priest. May the king prosper! The respectable guests have been honoured as the law or-