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despairs of overcoming the dark legions of night, and gives way to the moon, who easily scatters them. Mount, therefore, with me, the car of Indra, and, grasping thy bow, advance to assured victory.

Dushm. Such a mark of distinction from the prince of good genii honours me highly; but say why you treated so roughly my poor friend Mádhavya.

Mát. Perceiving that, for some reason or another, you were grievously afflicted, I was desirous to rouse your spirits by provoking you to wrath.—The fire blazes when wood is thrown on it; the serpent, when provoked, darts his head against the assailant; and a man capable of acquiring glory, exerts himself when his courage is excited.

Dushm. [To Mádhavya.] My friend, the command of Divespetir must instantly be obeyed: go, therefore, and carry the intelligence to my chief minister; saying to him in my name: "Let thy wisdom secure my people from danger while this braced bow has a different employment."

Mádh. I obey; but wish it could have been employed without assistance from my terror.

[He goes out.

Mát. Ascend, great king.

[Dushmanta ascends, and Mátali drives off the car.