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trickles from thy delicate eye-lash; and thus efface the memory of all the tears which my delirium has made thee shed.

[He stretches out his hand.

Sac. [Wiping off her tears, and seeing the ring on his finger.] Ah! is that the fatal ring?

Dushm. Yes; by the surprising recovery of it my memory was restored.

Sac. Its influence, indeed, has been great; since it has brought back the lost confidence of my husband.

Dushm. Take it then, as a beautiful plant receives a flower from the returning season of joy.

Sac. I cannot again trust it.—Let it be worn by the son of my lord.

Mátali enters.

Mát. By the will of heaven the king has happily met his beloved wife, and seen the countenance of his little son.

Dushm. It was by the company of my friend that my desire attained maturity.—But say, was not this fortunate event previously known to Indra?

Mát. [Smiling.] What is unknown to the gods?—But come; the divine Marícha desires to see thee.

Dushm. Beloved, take our son by the hand; and let me present you both to the father of immortals.

Sac. I really am ashamed, even in thy presence, to approach the deities.

Duslun. It is highly proper on so happy an occa-