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Scene—A Forest.

Dushmanta, in a car, pursuing an antelope, with a bow and quiver, attended by his Charioteer.

Char. [looking at the Antelope, and then at the King] When I cast my eye on that black antelope, and on thee, O King, with thy braced bow, I see before me, as it were, the God Mahésa chasing a hart, with his bow, named pináca, braced on his left hand.

Dushm. The fleet animal has given us a long chase. Oh! there he runs, with his neck bent gracefully, looking back, from time to time, at the car which follows him. Now, through fear of a descending shaft, he contracts his forehand, and extends his flexible haunches; and now, through fatigue, he pauses to nibble the grass in his path with his mouth half opened. See how he springs and bounds with long steps, lightly