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seated; our guest is contented with our reception of him.

[They all seat themselves.

Sac. [Aside] At the sight of this youth I feel an emotion scarce consistent with a grove devoted to piety.

Dushm. [Gazing at them alternately.] How well your friendship agrees, holy damsels, with the charming equality of your ages, and of your beauties!

Pri. [Aside to Anusúyá.] Who can this be, my Anusúyá? The union of delicacy with robustness in his form, and of sweetness with dignity in his discourse, indicate a character fit for ample dominion.

Anu. [Aside to Priyamvadá.] I too have been admiring him. I must ask him a few questions.—[Aloud.] Your sweet speech, sir, gives me confidence. What imperial family is embelished by our noble guest? What is his native country? Surely it must afflicted by his absence from it. What, I pray, could induce you to humiliate that exalted form of yours by visiting a forest peopled only by simple Anchorites?

Sac. [Aside.] Perplex not thyself, O my heart! let the faithful Anusúyá direct with her counsel the thoughts which rise in thee.

Dushm. [Aside.] How shall I reveal, or how shall I disguise myself?—[Musing.]—Be it so.—[Aloud to Anusúyá.] Excellent lady, I am a student of the Véda, dwelling in the city of our king, descended from Puru; and, being oc-