Page:Sappho and the Vigil of Venus (1920).djvu/26

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And I saw floating earthward there
My Queen, Love's Queen.
All round her a cloud-halo gleamed
With shimmering lights shot through and through
Of many a hue.
From her fair Lydian sandals streamed
The broidery-sheen.
Doves, circling round in mazy rings
Of rapture, this way, that way glanced:—
But even as I gazed entranced,
A bitter wind, methought, 'gan blow.
Their hearts turned cold, they drooped their wings,
And faded all that glorious show.
I woke—I had but dreamed!


To one false in love.

(Fragments 21, 22, 23 and 24 combined.)

O false as fair!
I am forgotten, then, by thee!
Or haply on another shine
The eyes that once looked into mine
Pretence of love—all faithlessly!
Out! nought I care
For such as can true love betray!
Love on, forsworn, your little day:
Ye are nought to me!