Page:Secret History of the Court of the Emperor Justinian 1674.djvu/102

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In effect, he dispeopled the whole Tract of Africa in such sort, That in several days journey thorow that Countrey, it was a wonder to meet one single man, and yet there were in his days 160000 Vandals bearing Arms, besides Women, Children, and Servants. Besides which, who can number the ancient inhabitants of that Countrey which remained in the Towns, manured the Fields, and exercised Trades and Marchandise, of which, I my self have many times seen an incredible quantity. The Natives in Mauritania were more numerous then they, and they were all extirpated with their Wives and Children. The greatest part of the Roman Army perished there likewise, and with them all the Auxilliary Troops of their Allies; so that I am of opinion, it may be affirmed with­out extravagance, That in that Countrey alone, he was the destruction of above a million; and all, because after he had defeated the Vandals, he took no care to establish his Empire in those parts, and fortifie his party by indulging the Natives, but called away Bellisarius upon pre­tence, that he designed to make himself King; a thing he never thought of, nor was it any way convenient for him. But what ever he pre­tended, the true cause was, that he might have opportunity to pillage more freely, and ruine without obstruction, the whole Coast of Africa: And to speak truth, the Officers which he sent, acquitted themselves very faithfully of their Commission from him; for under the new names of Imposts, and Duties, they seised upon
