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LAWS of North-Carolina.

A.D. 1777

Their Bond. WHEREAS the above bound A. B. is by the County Court of —— nominated and appointed to collect and gather the Public Taxes aſſeſſed on the Inhabitants in ——— Diſtrict, in the ſaid County; the Condition therefore of this Obligation is ſuch, that if the ſaid A. B. ſhall and do well and truly collect and gather all the Public Taxes in the ſaid Diſtrict, and ſhall and will well and truly account for and pay the ſame to the County Treaſurer, in ſuch Manner, and at ſuch Times, as the Law requires, after deducting his Commiſſions, and ſuch Inſolvents among thoſe who are liable to pay a Poll Tax as the Court of his County ſhall allow, then the above Obligation to be void, otherwiſe to remain in full Force and Effect.

XXI. AND be it Enacted, by the Authority aforeſaid, That the Condition of the Bond to be given by the County Treaſurers ſhall be in the following Form, that is to ſay.

Treaſurers Bond. WHEREAS the above bound —— ——, Sheriff of ——— County, is by Law conſtituted Treaſurer of his County, for the Purpoſe of receiving from the different Collector or Taxgatherers therein the Taxes aſſeſſed and laid by Act of the General Aſſembly for the Support of Government; now the Condition of the above Obligation is ſuch, that if the ſaid —— ——— ſhall and do well and truly account with and pay to the Treaſurer or Treaſurers of the State, at ſuch Time as he is or ſhall be by Law required, all ſuch Sum and Sums of Money as he ſhall or may receive from the different Collectors or Taxgatherers in his County for Public Taxes, then this Obligation to be void, otherwiſe to remain in full Force and Effect.


An Act for declaring what Crimes and Practices againſt the State ſhall be Treaſon, and what ſhall be Miſpriſion of Treaſon, and providing Puniſhments adequate to Crimes of both Claſſes, and for preventing the Dangers which may ariſe from Perſons diſaffected to the State.

Perſons owing Allegiance to the State.I.BE it Enacted, by the General Aſſembly of the State of North-Carolina, and it is hereby Enacted by the the Authority of the ſame, That all and every Perſon and Perſons (Priſoners of War excepted) now inhabiting or reſiding within the Limits of the State of North-Carolina, or who ſhall voluntarily come into the ſame hereafter to inhabit or reſide, do own, and ſhall pay Allegiance to the State of North-Carolina.

Crimes declared High Treaſon. II. AND be it further Enacted, by the authority aforeſaid, That if any Perſon or Perſons belonging to, or reſiding within this State, and under the Protection of its Laws, ſhall take a Commiſſion or Commiſſions from the King of Great Britain, or any under his authority, or other the Enemies of this State, or the United States of America; or ſhall levy War againſt this State, or the Government thereof; or knowingly and willingly ſhall aid or aſſiſt any Enemies at open War againſt this State; or the United States of America, by joining their armies, or by inliſting, or procuring or perſuading others to inliſt for that Purpoſe, or by furniſing ſuch Enemies with Arms, Ammunition, Proviſion, or any otherArticle