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LAWS of North-Carolina.

A.D. 1777

cauſe him to be apprehended and brought before the Court of the County where the Order was made; and the ſaid Court ſhall in ſuch Caſe ſend tge Perſon ſo offending as ſpeedily as may be out of the State, either to Europe or to the Weſt Indies, at the Coſt and Charges of ſuch Offender. May ſell their Eſtates. Provided nevertheleſs, That all and every ſuch Perſon and Perſons ſhall have Liberty to ſell and diſpoſe of his or their Eſtates, and after ſatisfying all juſt Demands, to export the Amount in Produce (Proviſions and Naval Stores excepted) and may alſo nominate and appoint an Attorney or Attornies to ſell and diſpoſe of his or their Eſtates, for his or their Uſe and Benefit; but in Caſe any real Eſtate belonging to any ſuch Perſon ſhall remain unſold for more than three Months next after the Owner thereof hath departed this State, the ſame ſhall be forfeited to and for the Uſe of the Public.

Pen. for returning. VII. AND be it further Enacted, by the Authority aforeſaid, That if any Perſon ſo departing or ſent off from this State ſhall return to the ſame, then ſuch Perſon ſhall be adjudged guilty of Treaſon againſt the State, and ſhall and may be proceeded againſt in like Manner as is herein directed in Caſes of Treaſon.

Juſtices may cite Perſons to appear, and take the Oath. VIII. AND be it further Enacted, by the Authority aforeſaid, That each and every Juſtice in each reſpective County may cite any Perſon or Perſons to appear before the County Court where ſuch Perſon or Perſons uſually reſide, and take the aforeſaif Oath or Affirmation; and in Caſe of non-Attendance or Refuſal, the ſaid Court ſhall and may have full Power to compet ſuch Perſon or Perſons to leave the State, under the ſame Regulations herein mentioned in other Caſes.


An Act concerning Oaths.

Preamble.I.WHEREAS lawful Oaths, for the Diſcovery of Truth, and eſtabliſhing Right, are neceſſary, and highly conducive to the important Ends of good Government; and being moſt ſolemn Appeals to Almighty God, as the omniſcient Witneſs of the Truth, juſt and omnipotent Avenger of Falſehood, ſuch Oaths ought therefore to be taken and adminiſtered with the utmoſt Solemnity:

Manner of taking Oaths. II. Be it therefore Enacted, by the General Aſſembly of the State of North-Carolina, and by the Authority of the ſame, That Judges, Juſtices of the Peace, and other Perſons, who are or ſhall be impowered to adminiſter Oaths, ſhall (except in the Caſes in this Act excepted) require the Party to be ſworn to lay his Hand upon the Holy Evangeliſts of Almighty God, in Token of his Engagement to ſpeak the Truth, as he hopes to be ſaved in the Way and Method of Salvation pointed out of the bleſſed Volume, and in further Token, that if he ſhould ſwerve from the Truth, he may juſtly be deprived of all the Bleſſings of the Goſpel, and made liable to that Vengeance which he has impricated on his own Head; and after repeating the Words So help me God, ſhall kiſs the Holy Goſpels, as a Seal of Confirmation to the ſaid Engagements.