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LAWS of North-Carolina.

A.D. 1777

Country, and alſo for the Sale of all and every Sort of Goods, Wares, and Merchandize, whether foreign or manufactured in this State; and that on the ſaid Fair Days, and on three Days next before, and three Days next after each of the ſaid Fairs, all Perſons coining to, being at, or going from the ſame, together with their Horſes, Cattle, or other Effects, intended for Sale, or purchaſed at the ſaid Fairs, ſhall be free and exempt from all Arreſts, Attachments, and Executions whatſoever, except for capital Offences, Breaches of the Peace, or for Quarrels or Controverſies that may ariſe during the ſaid Time; in which Caſes Proceſs may be immediately iſſued, and Proceedings thereupon had, in the ſame Manner as if this Act had never been made.

Frauds prevented.II. AND in order to prevent Frauds and Impoſitions in the Sale of blooded Horſes, Be it Enacted, by the Authority aforeſaid, That the County Court of Halifax ſhall and may appoint a Regiſter for the ſaid Fairs, (and in the Caſe of the Death, Abſence, Refuſal to act, or Miſconduct of ſuch Regiſter, may appoint de novo) who ſhall take an Oath for the faithful Diſcharge of his Duty; and every Perſon who ſhall bring a blooded Horſe, Mare or Gelding, to the ſaid Fairs, or any of them, for Sale, ſhall deliver in Writing to the ſaid Regiſter a Certificate under his or her Hand of the Owner or Vender's Name, and the Colour, Age and Blood, of ſuch Horſe, Mare or Gelding, all which ſhall be entered by the ſaid Regiſter in a Book to be by him kept for that Purpoſe; and he ſhall ſafely keep all ſuch Certificates, that Recourſe may be had to the Originals if neceſſary. And if any Perſon or Perſons ſhall ſell, or offer for Sale, any blooded Horſes, Mares of Geldings, at the ſaid Town of Halifax, during the Time of the ſaid Fairs, without firſt delivering in to the Regiſter a Certificate as aforeſaid, every Perſon ſo offending ſhall forfeit and pay the Sum of Ten Pounds, one Half to the Uſe of the Informer, and other Half to the Uſe of the Purchaſer, where an actual Sale has been made; but where there has been no Sale, the whole of the Uſe of the Informer, to be recorded on Complaint or Information, as is herein after directed. And if any Owner or Vendor of any blooded Horſe, Mare or Gelding, at the ſaid Fairs, ſhall wilfully deliver into the Regiſter a falſe Certificate of the Age or Blood of ſuch Horſe, Mare or Gelding, and ſhall fell the ſame, ſuch Owner or Vender, on Proof made, ſhall forfet and pay the Sum of Ten Pounds, to the Uſe of the Purchaſer, to be recovered on Complaint or Information, as is herein after directed; and the ſaid Owner or Vender ſo convicted, ſhall never after be permitted to ſell any blooded Horſe, Mare or Gelding, at any of the ſaid Fairs.

Trial of Complaints.III. AND for the Trial of Complaints and Informations in the Caſes above mentioned, and alſo for the Trial of Controverſies and diſputed Bargains ariſing at the ſaid Fairs; Be it Enacted, by the Authority aforeſaid; That the County Count afore mentioned ſhall and may appoint three Judges (and in Caſe of Death, or Refuſal to act, of the ſaid Judges, or either of them, may appoint de novo) either of whom may, on Application, iſſue Citations and Subpœnas; and the ſaid Judges, or any two of them, ſhall and may hear and determine, inſtanter, in all ſuch Caſes, provided the Demand, or diſputed Difference in a Bargain, does not exceed the Value of Ten Pounds, and ſhall and may iſſue Executions, and appoint an Officer or Officers to execute the ſame.