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LAWS of North-Carolina.

A.D. 1777

Law, as the Nature of the Offence may require (Death excepted.) And for want of ſuch Number of Officers to complete a Court Martial, the Offender ſhall be put under Guard until ſuch Time as there ſhall be a ſufficient Number for that Purpoſe.

Regulations where any Brigade is ordered into Service. XXII. AND be it further Enacted, by the Authority aforeſaid, That when any Brigade ſhall be ordered into actual Service, the following Rules and Regulations ſhall be obſerved, viz. One Waggon Maſter ſhall be appointed by the Field Officers of every Battalion, ſubject to be removed or rejected by the Brigadier General, who, before he enters upon his Duty, ſhall take an Oath that he ſhall faithfully execute the ſaid Office; and the Commiſſaries ſhall every Morning make a Return to the Waggon Maſter of the Proviſions, which the Waggon Maſter having examined and compared, ſhall return ſigned and certified to the Commanding Officer; and the Waggon Maſter ſhall attend as his ſpecial Duty to the Arrangement of the Waggons, taking Care that every Morning no more begin the March than one for every Ton of Proviſions, except where there may be Half a Ton or upwards over and above what will make a Ton for every Waggon but one, in which Caſe the one Waggon ſhall be kept in Service until ſo much is conſumed as to render it below Half a Ton; and in all Caſes where the Quantity over a Ton for each Waggon is leſs than Half a Ton, the Overplus ſhall be diſtributed into the other Waggons as equally as may be; and every Morning all the empty Waggons ſhall be diſcharged, each Waggon having firſt obtained a Certificate from the Waggon Maſter, ſetting forth the Number of Days it had been in Service, and the Place where diſcharged, and the Diſtance to return; and for every twenty Miles of ſuch Return each ſhall be allowed Twenty Shillings, or one Day's Pay, and Half the Sum for ſuch Carts as ſhall be employed into Service; and every Waggon Maſter ſhall be allowed to Pay and Rations of a Major. That there be a Paymaſter to each Brigade, who ſhall attend the ſame, and be allowed Major's Pay and Rations.

Diviſions for drafting by Order of Congreſs, confirmed. XXIII. AND be it further Enacted, by the Authority aforeſaid, That the Diviſions made for drafting the Militia in the ſeveral Counties in this State, according to a Reſolve of Congreſs, paſſed at Halifax in May laſt, ſhall continue; and the Perſons who have in Purſuance thereof been drafted, and actually called forth in the Service of this State, ſhall not be again drafted, nor called into actual Service, till according to the Order of the ſaid Diviſions it ſhall it ſhall in Rotation come to their Turn to be again drafted and called into actual Service of this State; any Thing in this Act contained to the contrary, notwithſtanding.

Penalties formerly incurred, how recovered. XXIV. WHEREAS the Penalties incurred by ſome of the Militia who refuſed to march in the late expedition againſt the Cherokees, and other Enemies, for the neceſſary Defence of this State, have been impoſed agreeable to Act of Aſſembly and Reſolves of Congreſs, and whereas ſome of the ſaid Penalties incurred and impoſed as aforeſaid have not been collected; AND be it further Enacted, by the Authority aforeſaid, That the Colonel or commanding Officer of every Regiment of Militia in this State ſhall be, and is hereby impowered and authorized to iſſue his Precept, under his Hand and Seal, directed to the Sheriff of the County