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Shen of the Sea

haps you have heard of my numerous troubles—a new one, I think, every day. What, wise Ching, is the cure?'

Ching Who Speaks Only Enough replied, "Marriage."

The Emperor raised his eyebrows. "Marriage?" He could hardly believe it. "Marriage to put down rebellion?" A pause. "Huh."

Ching repeated, and a trifle louder, "Marriage."

Still the Emperor doubted. "What? Marriage? Will marriage cause Wolf Heart to sheathe his sword? Marriage to tame the Barbarian? It is foolishness. But surely I misunderstand your words."

But indeed he did not. And there was only one word. "Marriage." That was all the advice most mighty Wong Sing could get from word-stingy old Ching Who Speaks Only Enough.

However, is not enough always enough? Is not a word to the wise like melon seeds planted in fertile ground? A little study soon convinced the puissant Wong Sing that