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Shen of the Sea

buy? What young man wishes to buy him a father?" Whereat, several persons gathered, laughing. "I, Weng Fu, will sell myself as a father to any young man for only five cash." The crowd and the laughter increased. "Who'll buy a pretty father? An orphan may have me for only one cash. A most excellent father I'll be to my son. I promise to beat him twice each day. Of every hundred cash he earns I'll take only ninety-nine and he may keep one. I'll even let him sleep upon warm ashes in the bed-stove. Ho—young men, come buy—come buy."

The shopkeepers left their stalls unguarded as they gathered round Weng Fu to mock and express their not-flattering opinions. "Surely," said they, "this is the oddest fellow we have had in a long while. He must think our young men are silly as Ko Chih, who scrabbled in the deep snow of January, searching for plums. Ho. Ho. Ho. Was there ever anything more ridiculous? A pretty father he would make. Pretty indeed." A crowd of boys assembled to have