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Buy a Father

of my manhood—at least ten years younger." Ah Tzu did as he was told. "Cha, Tieh tieh (Certainly, Papa)." On went the small garments. "Now, Ah Tzu, we'll go for a walk. Here is a calabash for you to rattle."

They went into the street. Ten steps and a crowd gathered. Such jeering. Such laughter. "Ho. Ho. Ho. Here is old back of the hands turned down (a beggar) and his infant son. What a pretty baby. Tieh tieh, has your baby cut his teeth?" Ah Tzu rattled his calabash and tried hard to keep from blushing. Weng Fu sauntered on in utter unconcern. When they reached Seven Thieves Market, all shopkeepers boarded up their stalls, thinking a mob had come to plunder.

At home once more, Weng Fu produced more food and told Ah Tzu to eat. Then he cupped his hand to his ear as if listening. "I thought I heard someone shout my name. There it is a second time." He dashed out. At the door a bag fell from his girdle. The bag flew open and from it rolled rubies and pearls, to a value of at least ten bars of gold.