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10 A Catalogue of Important Works, BUDGE.— History of Esarh addon. See Triibner's Oriental Series. BURGESS :- Archaeological Survey of Western India : — Report of the First Season's Operations in the Belgám and Kaladi Districts. January to May 1874. By James Burgess, F. E.G. S. With 56 Photographs and Lithographic Plates. Eoyal 4to, pp. viii. and 45; half bound. 1875. £2, 2s. Report on the Antiquities of Káthiáwad and Kachh, being the result of the Second Season's Operations of the Archaeological Survey of Western India, 1874-75. By James Burgess, F.R.G.S. Royal 4to, pp. x. and 242, with 74 Plates ; half bound. 1876. £3, 3s. Report on the Antiquities in the Bidar and Aurangabad Districts, in the Territories of His Highness the Nizam of Haiderabad, being the result of the Third Season's Operations of the Archaeological Survey of AYestern India, 1875-76. By James Burgess, F.R.G.S., M.R.A.S., Arch^ological Sur- veyor and Reporter to Government, AVestern India. Royal 4to, pp. viii. and 138, with 63 Photographic Plates ; half bound. 1878. £2, 2s. Report on the Buddhist Cave Temples and their Inscriptions ; contain- ing Views, Plans, Sections, and Elevation of Facades of Cave Temples ; Drawings of Architectural and Mythological Sculptures ; Facsimiles of In- scriptions, &c. ; with Descriptive and Explanatory Text, and Translations of Inscriptions, &c., &c. By James Burgess, LL.D., F.R.G.S., &c. Super-royal 4to, half-morocco, gilt top, with numerous Plates and Woodcuts. £3, 3s. [/?i preparation. BURMA.— The Bhttish Burma Gazetteer. Compiled by Major H. R. Spearman, under the direction of the Government of India. 2 vols. 8vo, pp. 764 and 878, with 11 Photographs, cloth. 1880. £2, 10s. BURNELL.— Elements of South Indian Palaeography, from the Fourth to the Seventeenth Century A.D., being an Introduction to the Study of South Indian Inscriptions and MSS. By A. C. Burnell. Second enlarged and improved Edition. 4to, pp. xiv. and 148, Map and 35 Plates, cloth. 1878. £2, 12s. 6d. BURNELL.— A Classified Index to the Sanskrit MSS. in the Palace at Tanjore. Prepared for the Madras Government. By A. C. Burnell, Ph.D., &c., &c. 4to, stiff wrapper. Part I., pp. iv.-80, Vedic and Technical Literature. Part II., pp. iv.-SO, Philosophy and Law. Part III., Drama, Epics, Puranas, and Zantras; Indices. 1879. 10s. each. BURNEY. — The Boys' Manual op Seamanship and Gunnery, compUed for the use of the Training-Ships of the Royal Navy. By Commander C. Burney, R.N., F.R.G.S., Superintendent of Greenwich Hospital School Seventh Edition. Ap- proved by the Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty to be used in the Training- Ships of the Royal Navy. Crown 8vo, ])p. xxii. and 352, with numerous Illus- trations, cloth. 1879. 6s. BURNEY.— The Young Seaman's Manual and Rigger's Guide. By Commander C. Burney, R.N., F.R.G.S. Sixth Edition. Revised and corrected. Approved by the Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty. Crown Svo. pp. xxxviii. and 592, cloth. With 200 Illustrations and 16 Sheets of Signals. 1878. 7s. 6d. BURTON. — Captain Richard F. Burton's Handbook for Overland Expeditions ; being an English Edition of the "Prairie Traveller," a Handbook for Overland Expeditions. With Illustrations and Itineraries of the Principal Routes between the Mississippi and the Pacific, and a Map. By Captain Randolph B. Marcy (now General and Chief of the Staff, Army of the Potomac). Edited, Avith Notes, by Captain Richard F. Burton. Crown 8vo, pp. 270, numerous Woodcuts, Itinera- ries, and Map, cloth. 1863. 6s. 6d.