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A -- wait -- ing for a part -- ner, A -- wait -- ing for a part -- ner; So o -- pen the ring, and choose one in, And kiss her when you get her in.

The children pause, while they sing—

"Thus the farmer sows his seed,
[Swing arms back and forth.]
Thus he stands and takes his ease;
[Stand erect with hands on hips.]
Stamps his foot and claps his hands,
And turns around to view his lands."

Stamp, clap, and turn, then join hands again and go round, singing:

"A-waiting for a partner,
A-waiting for a partner,
Open the ring and choose one in,
And kiss her when you get her in."

The boy chooses a girl, and the two kneel in the ring:

"Now you're married, you must obey,
You must be true to all you say;
Live together all your life,
And I'll pronounce you man and wife!"

Or this stanza:

"Now you're married, you must obey,
You must be true to all you say;
You must be kind, you must be good,
And keep your wife in kindling-wood."


In this game one of the girls is chosen as the mother, and she seats herself on a step, or bank, or any convenient place in the midst of her daughters. Three suitors come forward, saying:

"Here come three knights out of Spain,
We've come to court your daughter Jane."

The mother replies:

"My daughter Jane she is too young
To be wooed by your flattering tongue."

The suitors say:

"Be she young, or be she old,
For a price she must be sold;
So fare you well, my lady gay,
We'll come again another day."

They move away; and then the mother says:

"Turn back, turn back, you scornful knight,
And rub your spurs till they are bright."

The knight says:

"My boots and spurs they cost you nought,
For in this land they were not bought,
Nor in this land will they be sold,
Either for silver, or for gold;
So fare you well, my lady gay,
We'll come again another day."

The mother says:

"Turn back, turn back, you scornful knight,
And choose the fairest in your sight."

The knight says:

"The fairest one that I can see
Is [Mary Barton] to walk with me."

The game then proceeds with "Here come two knights," then with three or four, till all the players are mated.