Page:Sir Henry Lawrence, the Pacificator.djvu/123

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President, his brother John Lawrence and Mr. Mansel as members. They were to form a board, in whose name all orders should be issued, each of them however to have distinct functions and charges; Sir Henry, the Political and Military; John, the Revenue; and Mr. Mansel, the Judicial Department. The great duty of effecting the pacification of the Province, removing the irritation, and introducing contentment and peace, rested largely on Sir Henry.

As a first step towards this end, such support as could be obtained from the members of the recent Sikh Government was desirable; and on March 28, the day before the annexation was publicly proclaimed, Sir Henry Elliot, armed with full instructions from Lord Dalhousie, and accompanied by Sir Henry Lawrence, and his Assistant, Mr. Bowring, met the Sikh Council, and announced the coming annexation, and the terms which the members of the Council would receive. Tej Singh, Dina Náth, Fakír Núr-ud-dín, and Bhai Nidhán Singh, were those present, and agreed in writing to the terms. They were promised the retention of their jágírs, if they gave loyal assistance.

Lawrence as President of the Board of Administration.

Proper military precautions having been taken, the annexation was effected peacefully, and there was no opposition or trouble. Lord Dalhousie had promised — and he fulfilled his promise — to provide the Punjab