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Now on the turf the Knight with ſparkling eyes

Beholds the ſpringing Racers ſweep the ground;
Now lightlie by the poſt the foremoſt flies,
And thondring on, the rattling hoofs rebound;
The courſers groan, the cracking whips reſound:
And gliding with the gale they ruſh along
Right to the ſtand. The Knight ſtares wildly round
And, riſing on his ſell, his jocund tongue
Is heard above the noiſe of all the noiſie throng.


While thus the Knight perſewd the ſhaddow Joy,

As youthly ſpirits thoughtleſſe led the way,
Her gilden baits, ah, gilded to decoy!
Kathrin did eve and morn before him lay,
Watchfull to pleaſe, and ever kindlie gay;
Till, like a thing bewitchd, the careleſſe wight
Reſigns himſelf to her capricious ſway:
Then ſoon, perdie, was never charme-bound ſpright
In Necromancers thrall in halfe ſuch pitteous plight.