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On Dissipation ſtill this Treachor waits,

Obſequiouſly behind at diſtance due;
And ſtill to Discontents accurſed gates,
The Houſe of Sorrow, theſe ungodlie Two,
Conduct their fainty thralls—Great things to do
The Knight reſolvd, but never yet could find
The proper time, while ſtill his miſeries grew:
And now theſe Dæmons of the captive Mind
Him to the drery Cave of Discontent reſignd.


Deep in the wyldes of Faerie Lond it lay;

Wide was the mouth, the roofe all rudely rent;
Some parts receive, and ſome exclude the Day,
For deepe beneath the hill its caverns went:
The ragged walls with lightning ſeemd ybrent,
And loathlie vermin ever crept the flore:
Yet all in sight, with towres and caſtles gent,
A beauteous lawnſkepe roſe afore the dore,
The which to view ſo fayre the Captives grieved ſore.