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the appointment of Raja Jye-sing to the office of governor of Agra.—Nizam-ul-mulk withdraws to the Deckan, and Kamer-ed-din-khan is appointed vezir.—Mobariz-khan opposes Nizam-ul-mulk in the Deckan, but is defeated and slain.—Nizam-ul-mulk excites his uncle Hamed-khan to revolt in Guzerat.—Ser-belend-khan appointed governor of Guzerat.—He is recalled to Dehli.—Nizam-ul-mulk excites the Mahrattas to invade Hindoostan.—Mahomed-khan Bangash defeated by the Mahrattas in Bundelkund.—Mozaffirkhan deputed to attack the Mahrattas.—Revolt of Ajazee, a zemindar of Chikalgora.—Removal of Fakhr-ed-doulah from the government of Behar to that of Bengal.—History of Shuja-ed-doulah, the son-in-law of Jafer-khan, governor of Bengal.—Union of the governments of Bengal and Behar under him as viceroy.—Mozaffir-khan and Kamer-ed-din-khan march to oppose the Mahrattas under the Peshwa Bajy Rao.—They are defeated by Saadet-khan, governor of Oude.—They appear before Dehli and retreat.—Distracted state of affairs in Cabul, and the advance of Nadir-shah from Persia.—Mahomed-shah quits Dehli, and opposes Nadir-shah on the plain of Kernal.—Nadir-shah enters Dehli.—Retires to Persia, leaving to Mahomed-shah all the country east of the Indus.—Death of Shuja-ed-doulah, viceroy of Bengal and Behar.—Alia Verdi-khan, lieutenant-governor of Patna, procures the viceroy's patent.—Defeats and slays Ser-efraz-khan, the son of Shuja-ed-doulah, and enters Moorshedabad in triumph.—His wise administration. Page 280.