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see if they answered the description of some slave advertisement of which he had his hat full. In pursuit of this laudable object, he stopped to look at two individuals dressed in sailor costume, seated among the bales of freight. At the first glance he knew his man. Stepping back, he seized the Major and turned him about, saying, “There he is; Major, if that isn’t George, may I never see Lize again or have a nibble at her corn dodgers.” Curtis looked at them, recognized both, and said, “Bill, the other one is the girl, dressed up in sailor toggery.” By this time the fugitives had seen and recognized their pursuers, and were so agitated that they could not utter a syllable. Curtis walked up to them and said, “How do ye do? got into business, ha ? how do you like it? wasn’t aware that you understood this business. Clara could do better with women’s clothes on. Come, go with me, I’ll introduce you to the captain; it would be the making of this boat to have you in the ladies’ cabin. I should think by your appearance that you are sick of the business, and maybe you would like to go home; if so, you can go with us, as we are going right back. How lucky for you that we happened to meet.” The talk was embellished with horrid oaths, and continued a long time without a word in answer from the frightened fugitives.

Captain Titus happened to he passing, and stopped to witness the scene. He had seen and heard it all. When Curtis saw him he said, “Well, captain, I am in luck this time! Here I have been chasing these slaves of mine up and down this Lake shore about a month, and finally lost track of them and started for home. Bill and I have, I fear, committed a sin in swearing about getting on the wrong boat, and now it appears that a kind Providence has directed our steps all the time without our asking. How long have they been in your employ ?