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173. B 16.

174. C 14. Completing the frontier.

175. P 2.

176. Q 2.

177. Q 1.

178. R 1.

179. P 1.

180. R 2. The usual series of moves in such a situation.

181. C 16. We might say that the end game commences at about this point.

182. J 2.

183. L 2.

184. K 3.

185. A 7.

186. F 16.

187. G 17.

188. F 13. The stone at G 13 needs support.

189. H 13. A very good move to protect White’s group.

190. A 8. Stopping White’s invasion.

191. B 6.

192. B 7.

193. A 6.

194. B 8. The usual moves.

195. B 14.

196. B 13.

197. A 15. Takes.

198. L 17

199. L 18. Completing the frontier.

200. M 19.

201. K 18.

202. J 6. All the rest of the board is practically finished.

203. F 11.

204. E 11.

205. E 16.

206. E 15.

207. H 14.

208. G 14.

209. E 5.

210. E 12.

211. H 5.

212. J 5.

213. H 4.

214. J 4.

215. G 3.

216. J 9.

Comment by Honinbo Shuye:
“This move is unprofitable. Had Black played at J 8, a very good profit would have been secured.”

217. J 8.

218. E 4.