Page:Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs.djvu/55

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informed that his Highness, Prince Florimond, heir to the Kingdom of Calydon, will call upon her Majesty this afternoon to deliver an important letter from his royal father, I have arranged for the following reception. At four-fifteen precisely this Proclamation will be read." [He consults his watch.] Dear me! Five minutes late already! I shall have to alter it. [And with a sigh he makes the correction with a gold pencil.] "At fourteen-twenty precisely this Proclamation will be read. At four-thirty Prince Florimond will arrive, and be shown at once to the throne-room by—ahem!—myself. The Maids of Honour will dance their gavotte to amuse his Highness until the Queen is announced, when they will immediately retire. By order of me, Sir Dandiprat Bombas, Court Chamberlain.

"Signed, Yours very truly,
Sir Dandiprat Bombas."

"P.S. Her Majesty the Queen regrets that, owing to her duties in the kitchen, Princess Snow White will be unable to attend." You understand young ladies?