Page:Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs.djvu/78

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The Prince. That is she! And oh, she is Snow White! You are Snow White! [He rushes to kneel at her feet.]

The Queen. [Her anger quite overcoming her as she sees Snow White's changed appearance.] Snow White! You! you dared! [She rushes toward the little Princess, but suddenly, half way, she falters, and falls fainting.]

Sir Dandiprat. [Hopping about in great excitement.] The Queen has fainted! The Queen has fainted! Oh, this is most important! Princess, Princess, see what you've done! Take her away, take her away! [The Maids of Honour lead Snow White away; and Sir Dandiprat turns to the astonished Prince.] Most deplorable! Would your Highness withdraw to the terrace until the Queen recovers? It's most distracting. Air, air! Out of the room, everybody! Giver her air!

[The Prince and the Courtiers hurry out of the room. But no sooner is the