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With the songster in the grove,
We have told our tale of love,
And have sportive garlands, wove, bonny lassie O.

Ah! I soon must bid adieu, bonny lassie, O,
To this fairy scene and you, bonny lassie, O,
To the streamlet winding clear,
To the fragrant scented brier,
E'en to thee, of all most dear, bonny lassie, O.

For the frowns of fortune low'r bonny lassie, O,
On thy lover at this hour, bonny lassie, O
Ere the golden orb of day,
Wake the warblers from the spray,
From this land I must away, bonny lassie, O.

And when on a distant shore, bonny lassie, O,
Should I fall 'midst battle's roar, bonny lassie, O,
Will you Helen, when you hear,
Of your lover on his bier,
To his memory shed a tear, bonny lassie, O.


When the sheep are in the fauld, and the kye at hame,
And a' the world to sleep are gane;
The waes o' my heart fa' in showers frae my e'e,
While my gudeman lies sound by me.
Young Jamie lo'ed me weel and he sought me for his bride;
But saving a crown he had naething beside!
To mak the crown a pound, my Jamie gaed to sea;
And the crown and the pound were baith for me.