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By John E. Nordquist

(Tune: "The Red Flag")

They've shot Joe Hill, his life has fled,
They've filled his manly heart with lead;
But his brave spirit hovers near,
And bids each fellow worker cheer.


On high the blood red banners wave!
The flag for which his life he gave;
The master class shall rue the day
They took Joe Hillstrom's life away.

Now, fellow workers, shed no tear,
For brave Joe Hill died without fear;
He told the bosses' gunmen, low:
"I'm ready; fire! Let her go!"

No more Joe Hill shall pen the songs
That pictured all the workers' wrongs;
His mighty pen shall rust away,
But all his songs are here to stay.

Now Salt Lake City's Mormon throngs
Must list to Joe Hill's rebel songs;
While angry sabs shall prowl the night
To show the One Big Union's might.

March on, march on, you mighty host,
And organize from coast to coast;
And Joe Hill's spirit soon shall see
Triumphant Labor's victory.

"Military preparedness" is a part of the "preparedness of the capitalist class" for larger and more intensive exploitation of labor. One Big Union of the working class will be sufficient "preparedness" to enable the working class to overcome their enemy—ON ANY FIELD.