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Messenger. Look at that man, my friend, he is the child you gave me.

Herdsman. A plague upon you! Cannot you hold your tongue?

Oedipus. Do not blame him, old man; your own words are more blameable.

Herdsman. And how have I offended, master?

Oedipus. In not telling of that boy he asks of.

Herdsman. He speaks from ignorance, and does not know what he is saying.

Oedipus. If you will not speak with a good grace you shall be made to speak.

Herdsman. Do not hurt me for the love of God, I am an old man.

Oedipus. Someone there, tie his hands behind his back.

Herdsman. Alas! Wherefore? What more would you learn?

Oedipus. Did you give this man the child he speaks of?

Herdsman. I did: would I had died that day!

Oedipus. Well, you may come to that unless you speak the truth.

Herdsman. Much more am I lost if I speak it.

Oedipus. What! Would the fellow make more delay?

Herdsman. No, no. I said before that I gave it to him.