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  \relative b' {
      \set Staff.midiInstrument = "cello"
      \clef treble
      \key aes \major \time 2/4
      \override Score.BarNumber #'break-visibility = #'#(#f #f #f)
  { \autoBeamOff
      \times 2/3 { (c,4^\markup { \italic { 3rd \smallCaps Voice. Not slow. } } ees g) } aes2 c4 c8 bes aes4 aes8 g f4 ees c4. c8^\markup { \italic \smallCaps All. } 
      f4 f ~ f c8 c f4. c8 c'4^\markup { \italic { 2nd \smallCaps Voice. } } c c2 c4 bes8 bes
      bes bes aes bes c4. c,8^\markup { \italic \smallCaps All. } } \bar "." \time 3/4
      f4 f c f2 c4 f2 f4^\markup { \italic \smallCaps Leader. }
      a2 a8 a a2 f4 a2 a4 c2 c4 c2 a4
      c2 c8 c des4. c8 bes8 aes! g2 g4 f2 f4 f2 c4
      f8 f4. f8 f f2 g4 aes2. \bar "." \time 4/4
      c4.^\markup { \italic \smallCaps All. } c8 c4 c c aes g2 \bar "||"
  \addlyrics {
Oe-di-pus’ nurse, moun -- tain of ma -- ny  a hid -- den glen, Be 
hon -- oured a -- mong men; A fa -- mous man, deep thought -- ed,
and his bo -- dy strong, Be 
hon -- oured in dance and song. Who
met in the hid -- den glen? Who let his fan -- cy
run Up -- on nymph of He -- li -- con? Lord Pan or Lord A --
pol -- lo or the moun -- tain Lord, 
By the Bac -- chan -- tes a -- dored? }