Page:Southern Historical Society Papers volume 25.djvu/317

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and demanded another shot. " We agree," said Jackson, "ami < will litdit with pistols at ten pa The Captain declined the

terms, the men were never reconciled. The Captain died many alter, regri-tting that he had not killed Lee.

Jackson was a strict obstructionist of all orders and of all points of duty.


When John Brown made his attempt to arouse insurrection in Virginia, Governor Wise called out the troops of the State, and ordered the Corps of Cadets to be held ready for immediate service. General Smith, superintendent of the corps, promptly obeyed the orders. Major Jackson reported at the guard-room ready for the field. General Smith, after giving attention to some matters requir- ing it, said: " Major Jackson, you will remain as you are till further orders." At that moment Major Jackson was seated upon a camp- stool in the guard-room with his sabre across his knees.

Next morning at reveille General Smith repaired to the guard- room and found Jackson sitting on the camp-stool and said:

" Why, Major, why are you here ? "

" Because you ordered me to remain here as I was last night, and I have done so." *

Next year he went off to the great war between the States, and won fame at once. Rumors of a great victory came. His wife and friends were anxious for the news. It came by a courier, who spurred in hot haste to his home, in Lexington. These were the words: " My subscription to the negro Sunday-school is due it is fifty cents which I send by the courier." Nothing more.

At the First Manassas his fame was made, when that noble soldier, Bernard Bee, cried out to his wavering men, " See where Jackson, with his Virginians, stands like a stone wall! Let us form behind them."

After the repulse at Malvern Hill, General Lee and other generals were discussing the situation, and what we were to do in the morn- ing. Jackson was lying upon the ground, apparently slumbering, his cap lying over his face. He was aroused and asked his opinion

  • Jackson was Professor of Mathematics. There was a desire on the part

of the cadets that he should command the corps in the impending battle. General Smith meant he should remain as Professor of Mathematics by " re- main as you are."