Page:Southern Historical Society Papers volume 36.djvu/147

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A Tribute of Love.

energies, the hours of the life of civil liberty are already numbered.

I trust the time will never come again when the people of our country will have questions to settle among themselves which may not be settled by the ballot. But "eternal vigilance is the price of liberty." Like these veterans around us here, we should learn to keep our weapons bright and our powder dry. We should take such an active pride in this great country of ours that we will not only entitle ourselves to vote, but see to it that the privilege of voting is exercised as the dearest privilege of a free citizen. In a proper sense, all of us should be politicians, for unless we take an active interest in public affairs, we should not complain if the affairs of the public are not managed to suit us.

Let us all take an honest pride, both in our national and State governments, but let us see to it that these governments are managed as public trusts, efficiently and economically administered. Let us renew our faith in the immortal principles of the Declaration of Independence, let us strive to secure that liberty or freedom of action which is limited only by the Golden Rule or by the right of all others to a like freedom; and, at the graves of those who gave their all for freedom, let us dedicate once more upon the altar of civil and religious liberty, our goods, our lives and our sacred honor.


The stand is designed for the accommodation of speakers, the Ladies Memorial Association and guests on memorial occasions. It stands on the site of the old frame stand, which had seen service for many years, on the apex of "Memorial Hill," and commands a broad view in all directions. It is within a few yards of the splendid granite monument erected by the ladies' association to the Confederate dead in Blandford Cemetery, numbering many thousands and representing every State of the Confederacy. It is also within near view of the massive granite vault in which rest the mortal remains of that brave and gallant soldier of the Confederacy, Major-General William Mahone, in whose immortal brigade the Twelfth Regiment of Petersburg soldiers fought.