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  • legislation and intends to submit legislation to Congress by mid-1991.
  • The United States and Bulgaria signed a trade agreement including strong protection for intellectual property rights (April).
  • Egypt forwarded a new audio-visual law to its Parliament (April), and long-awaited copyright amendments are expected shortly.
  • Greece is near completion of draft copyright amendments to extend protection to sound recordings and computer software.
  • Indonesia agreed to improve conditions of market access for motion pictures, take additional steps to curtail copyright piracy, and continue discussion of further market-opening measures. (April)


  • Mexico published its "Industry and Trade Sectoral Plan" outlining the government's program to modernize protection and enforcement of patents, trademarks and trade secrets (January).
  • The Federal Republic of Germany increased penalties for infringement of intellectual property rights (January).
  • Yugoslavia amended its patent law to extend the term of protection to 20 years from filing, among other improvements (March).
  • The United States signed a trade agreement with Poland which includes strong terms of protection for intellectual property rights (March).
  • The European Community, Japan, Switzerland, and fourteen LDC's tabled legal texts in the Uruguay Round negotiations on the Trade Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (April).
  • The United States signed a trade agreement with Czechoslovakia which includes strong terms of protection for intellectual property rights (April).
  • In Spain, several defendants were found guilty of computer software piracy by a district court judge in the first case to test the 1987 intellectual property law (May).