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  • Copyright Reform Law signed in Colombia that increases penalties for infringement and explicitly identifies unauthorized transmissions of satellite signals as illegal. (February)
  • The Canadian Parliament passed a new Drug Patent Law which eliminates compulsory licensing provisions discriminating against pharmaceutical products. (February)
  • The Chinese Government enacts amendments to the Trademark Law and supplementary provisions to the criminal law adding to penalties for trademark infringement. (February)
  • The Greek Government enacts a copyright law which contains substantial enforcement provisions. Enforcement of the law remains a priority. (February)
  • The Jamaican House of Representatives enacts a Copyright Law. (February)
  • Cyprus acceded to the Geneva Phonogram Convention (January) and enacted amendments to its copyright law that strengthen enforcement and protect computer software (April). However, enforcement of the copyright law is suspended until January 1994.
  • Taiwan's Legislature passes an amendment raising the rate of conversion of IPR infringement jail terms to fines.
  • Egypt publishes implementing regulations for its 1992 copyright law. (January & March)
  • Malta enacts amendments to its Copyright Law which strengthen penalties, extend protection to computer software, and institutes new penalties. (January)


  • A new Trademark law enacted in Thailand provides for higher penalties for infringement and extends protection.
  • South Africa enacted an improved Copyright Act protecting computer software.
  • Italy implemented the EC Software Directive improving protection for computer programs.
  • The United Arab Emirates passed new Copyright, Trademark and Patent Laws, but copyright protection for foreign works remains to be confirmed and enforcement of the new copyright law has not yet begun.
  • The Government of Peru issued a decree law intended to increase the protection of industrial property.
  • Industrial property legislation was prepared by the Brazilian