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Developments in Intellectual Property Rights



  • On May 8, Lithuania became a member of the WTO and obligated itself to fully comply with the TRIPS Agreement on that date.
  • Japan took measures to tighten its border enforcement against counterfeit goods, including the issuance of new guidelines to address the re-exportation of goods that infringe trademarks.
  • The Lithuanian Interior Ministry published an order establishing the guidelines governing the government's use of business software by all government entities and contractors, in addition to establishing a central software purchasing authority.


  • On June 5, the Czech Ministry of the Interior, which oversees the police force, adopted a concept for the battle against computer crimes as part of the overall plan for combating organized crime.
  • Guatemala created a special IP Prosecutor's office to assist with rapidly responding to instances of IP violations.
  • Paraguay established the National Council for the Protection of Intellectual Property Rights to create a more coordinated approach for the enforcement of IP laws among government ministries, law enforcement authorities, and industry representatives.


  • The Indonesian Parliament enacted new patent and trademark laws, which increased fines for infringements, transferred intellectual property disputes to commercial courts, and combined all previous amendments into a single definitive text.
  • On July 12, amendments to Canada's patent law entered into force, providing a term of protection of 20 years for patents granted based on applications filed before October 1, 1989.