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  • The Czech Parliament ratified the WIPO Copyright Treaty and WIPO Performances and Phonograms Treaty.
  • On October 2, the State of San Paulo in Brazil created a new department of investigations of organized crime to combat copyright infringement and crimes committed through the Internet.


  • Taiwan passed the Optical Media Law (OML), which regulates the production of pre-recorded optical media, blank optical media, and stampers/masters through a system of permits and reporting. The OML will be implemented fully on May 14,2002. Failure to comply with the OML is punishable by fines, equipment seizures, and possible jail terms.


  • The Beirut Court of First Instance issued an encouraging verdict against a pirated software reseller in the first case brought under the 1999 copyright law.
  • On December 11, China became a member of the WTO, and as part of this process, revised its intellectual property laws to comply with the provisions of the TRIPS Agreement.
  • On December 10, the United States - Vietnam Bilateral Trade Agreement (BTA) entered into force. The IPR chapter of the BTA commits Vietnam to bring its intellectual property regime and enforcement practices up to international standards within two years of the BTA's implementation.
  • Honduras ratified the WIPO Copyright Treaty and the WIPO Performances and Phonogram Treaty.
  • On December 30, Russia adopted a new Code on Administrative Misdemeanors which will come into force on July 1, 2002. The Code will make it possible to initiate administrative cases against legal entities and to impose fines from US $900-1200 for copyright infringement.



  • Mali created a new center aimed at strengthening and enforcing IP laws, which will be funded by fees collected from the private sector.