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  • Chaozhou and Jieyang are associated with counterfeiting of pharmaceuticals and cigarettes.
  • Local protectionism remains strong in the Baiyun and Huadu Districts of Guangzhou.

Criminal enforcement. Availability of criminal remedies is a continuing problem in Guangdong. Statistics for 2006 showed that Guangdong referred only 36 copyright infringement cases for criminal prosecution. Viewed in light of the size of Guangdong's economy and its role as a center of manufacturing, this number was surprisingly low.

In the sector of health, beauty, and household care products, Guangdong has been identified as a relatively difficult place to criminally prosecute counterfeiters. Industry has called for particular attention to intensifying criminal enforcement in hot spots, such as Shenzhen, Guangzhou, and Dongguan. Guangdong Province reported that police handled 396 cases of criminal IPR infringement in 2006, solving 288 cases. Criminal fines and prison sentences were criticized by right holders as being relatively light in Guangdong province.

Administrative enforcement. According to official statistics, trademark infringement cases in Guangdong Province increased by about 30% in 2007, and 31 cases were transferred for criminal investigation, down from 38 in 2006. Guangdong IP officials report that since 2004 they have participated in a Pan-Pearl River Delta group to improve regional cooperation on IPR protection and enforcement.

In spite of being a manufacturing hub and center for counterfeiting, Guangdong in 2006 had fewer copyright infringement cases, relative to its economic size, than other jurisdictions. Provincial authorities recognize that administrative enforcement at trade fairs is especially important given Guangdong's role as host of the Canton Trade Fair and other major fairs; the U.S. Government looks forward to continuing to work closely with local officials and trade fair organizers to improve enforcement at these fairs.

Export. Guangdong's role as an export engine creates a need for more deterrent customs remedies. Despite Guangdong Customs reportedly solving 636 IPR cases in 2006, its ports remain significant sources for infringing goods seized at U.S. borders. Reports in early 2008 indicate that shippers of pirated and counterfeit are seeking to avoid using the port of Shenzhen due to better enforcement of IPR by its Customs authorities.

Optical disc production. The 2007 Special 301 Report highlighted the need for criminal prosecutions to address optical media piracy in Guangdong. The use of online distribution and on-site OD burning facilities is increasing the challenges of addressing OD piracy.

Retail and wholesale markets. Local authorities in Guangdong have achieved mixed results in their efforts to address piracy and counterfeiting in retail and wholesale markets.

  • Among other problem areas, right holders cited Ziyuangang Market in Guangzhou and Lowu market in Shenzhen.

Internet. Guangdong is increasingly a center for Internet piracy. It has taken some positive actions in this area, but, like the rest of China, faces serious challenges.