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Retail and wholesale markets. Government officials have responded to concerns over widespread retail piracy and counterfeiting rates through increased actions.

  • Shanghai administrative authorities have devised a strategy to proactively visit retail outlets (conducting 20,000 visits in the first half of 2006).
  • Throughout anti-piracy and anti-counterfeiting campaigns, industry surveys show that infringing goods remain widely available in Shanghai.

Administrative Enforcement.

  • In 2006, Shanghai reportedly handled 2,217 trademark cases, among which, foreign related cases accounted for 75.6 percent. In 2007, Shanghai handled 2,946 trademark cases, among which, foreign related cases accounted for 72.5 percent.
  • In 2006, Shanghai Culture Task Force launched a special action on audio-video markets and in total handled 2,232 cases.
  • In 2007, the Shanghai IP Administration set up IPR information desks in 16 exhibitions and handled over 80 IPR infringement cases involving exhibitions.
  • In early 2008, Shanghai established an IPR Aid Center to give legal advice and counseling to both foreign and Chinese businesses with IPR-related issues.
  • From January to November 2007, Shanghai Customs reportedly investigated 241 IPR cases, increasing by 91.1% over the same period in 2006.
  • Shanghai has drafted special regulations and plans regarding IPR protection during the World Expo in 2010. According to Shanghai IP officials an "experts group" will be established to handle complex IPR issues.
  • The Shanghai IP Coordinating Office created the Yangtze River Delta Protection Network in 2003, which includes 26 cities in the area, to facilitate communication among administrative and enforcement officials on cases where right holders and infringers are located in different provinces. The IP Coordinating Office reports that cooperation is increasing under this network and plans to expand its coverage to other areas. The IPR Complaint Centers throughout the region also cooperate by transferring cases.


  • In 2007, Shanghai courts reportedly handled 207 cases involving infringement on the Internet, an increase of 91.7% compared with 2006.
  • In 2007, Shanghai reportedly referred one Internet piracy case for criminal prosecution.
  • Local authorities have worked closely with the telecommunications industry to close down over 1,000 Internet sites to date that facilitated illegal downloads.
  • In 2007, Shanghai established the Leading Group of Anti-Infringement on Internet, a working group of Internet and IP officials and experts working on ways to combat Internet piracy.

Criminal Enforcement. The number of IPR criminal case transfers in Shanghai remains much too low relative to the size of the local economy. The Shanghai government should be commended for initiating a number of pilot programs to assist in better administrative-criminal coordination on IPR.

  • Shanghai PSB launched a pilot program whereby it initiates criminal investigations based on "suspicious leads" rather than evidence of illegal activity. Industry continues to