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Ecuador will remain on the Watch List in 2008. Ecuador made some progress in 2007 towards eliminating its backlog of pending patent applications. Overall IPR enforcement in Ecuador remains problematic, however, and Ecuador has not yet established the specialized IPR courts required by its 1998 IPR law. Concerns also remain over Ecuador's lack of effective protection against unfair commercial use of undisclosed test or other data generated to obtain marketing approval for pharmaceutical products, as well as Ecuador's lack of an effective coordination system between its health and patent authorities to prevent the issuance of marketing approvals for unauthorized copies of patented pharmaceutical products. The United States urges Ecuador to strengthen its IPR regime and to enhance its IPR enforcement efforts, and will monitor Ecuador's efforts to address these IPR concerns.

Egypt will be moved in 2008 to the Watch List from the Priority Watch List, in recognition of improvements in pharmaceutical IPR protection, notably the Ministry of Health's progress in streamlining applications for marketing approval of pharmaceutical products, Egypt's attention to its backlog of pending patent applications, and the renewed dialogue between the U.S. and Egypt on IPR issues. Serious concerns remain, however, about continuing deficiencies in Egypt's IPR enforcement regime, particularly related to copyright enforcement against book piracy and entertainment software piracy. Egypt needs to improve its court system by increasing its efficiency and transparency, as well as encouraging judges to impose deterrent-level sentences in copyright and trademark infringement cases. The United States is concerned with the transshipment of counterfeit and pirated goods through Egypt, including in the Damietta Port and Port Said Free Trade Zones. The United States urges the Ministry of Health to further clarify its commitment to protection against unfair commercial use of undisclosed test or other data generated to obtain marketing approval for pharmaceutical products, and to continue its efforts to provide coordination between its health and patent authorities to prevent the issuance of marketing approvals for unauthorized copies of patented pharmaceutical products. The United States will continue to work closely with Egypt on improving its IPR regime.

Greece will be added to the Watch List in 2008. IPR enforcement in Greece is weak and uneven, and efforts to improve enforcement generally lack effective coordination. The U.S. copyright industries estimate that Greece has one of the highest levels of piracy in the European Union. The United States recognizes that in 2007, Greece increased cooperation with industry, executed an extensive education and outreach plan, provided IPR training to police and customs officers, and conducted a Christmas season raid/seizure campaign, and recently established a formal interagency coordinating IPR committee. However, the United States urges improvements in IPR enforcement, including sustained implementation of enforcement measures against street vendors, more effective raids and seizures, increased prosecutions, encouragement of judges to impose deterrent-level penalties, strengthened border enforcement, and establishment of a national action plan to combat IPR infringement. The United States wiIl continue to work with Greece, with the goal of improving IPR protection and enforcement.