Page:Special Committee on Un-American Activities, Investigation of Nazi Propaganda Activities and Investigation of Certain Other Propaganda Activities 3.djvu/12

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130 IN~TIGATIORO* 'NAZI AND oTHEB PBOPAQAHITDJ. INVESTIGATION op NAZI AND OTHER PBOPAQANDA lb.. Mr. BEYBE.It repre5enta a statement of disbursemmt of 1 conmnlillg thia perftcular ropositton, which I obtaine .eoualuled from tha raeor$~mvolvd. ed to me by Mr. Chriatma ah. Tile CHAIRMAN.This is a statement of llloneys pea by nfmation on that will have be Clnrk Lo whotu? hlr, tiruru. To tlie eoverd parties illvoIv4 in 'rho CIIAIILMA~J. In the first hlstanm th 14,R.S.c.CUS~~Yaccount, $llW. 12, 1933. TOwhom w~ethat paid? from the Robert Sterling Clark (LCCOIII~~." hfr. REMPI.Paid to G. C. MacGuire. The CHAINMAN.That was drawn from the pcmnd Robert Sterliilg Clerk; is that, l-ight? Mr. REYPE.Yes, sir. The CNAIRMAN.Paid to whom? Mr. RBYPE.G. C. Maeffuira. The CHAIRMAN.On September 14 the sum of R.9. C.personal account. That means the nlox tllo mn~f1dncmunt of Rohort Storling d.HEMP.. Pad tO G.C.Md~i1-e. The CI~AIMjbot (talk)AH. On Se toniber 18 it says "A. G.C. special ~20,000.~what doas "1.G.C..,mean? Mr. BEYPE.Albrt G. Christmas. oney that went to the committee? The CWAIRMAN. That nleans hfr. RYMPIC.'That hfr. Cbriotin b1lh-3r 18 item and the September 4110 ~~C.A~MAN.That L tbe )ao,m m &fr. RPMPZ.The 820,000 and the 815,000, ancl of 820,000 furnished to me b hlr. Chnstmm. The CHA~~MM. Whem did tiis September 18 ibof come fronl? Mr. R~MP~. That c~nlefrom hfr. Cj C~rasaua~.Wilere did Mr. Christ hfr. REMPE.I cannot tell you. Hie recolds The (=HAI~~UAN.On September39 it .says "11. First, 011 hptelllber 27, do you know anythi itorn ? &Er- REMI'E.1 do HO~. hlr. Cliristlnao furaishpd lllc wit& i11fonluliiol1u~llceniingtl10~tlrrcc items 1 jos( llbc~ltio~rr.~l. CI~AII~J~AN. On Septcnibcsr 29 tllcr~is itnln of B-S. C- costo(!y nccount. That moans $bO,O&) wlg~(iraa?rl custab' rlccount of Rake.rb Sterli~~gClark and puicl to will till1t 1'igllt? hlr. IP-EMPE. Jres, sir. T~ICC'HAIRXIAN. \3'110 was it paid to? Mr. jtplftlw. paid to the Cl~lluseNati lettor of ermlit, I llavo n ]>hotoetoti (I'llat-tatic cq)y of document hu CHAIRMAN.Wa will come hack to Clllrk llllcl cr ~w~*wrwlacxxht~~ittr~rti(L ~t)~k~i~ h-lr. I~YMI~E.Ye$,sir. Tlrc C~~A~~MAN. Zic I~adotlier nccounty, I assume? Mr. REUYX.Yes, sir; rovvlving uccounb.