Page:Special Committee on Un-American Activities, Investigation of Nazi Propaganda Activities and Investigation of Certain Other Propaganda Activities 3.djvu/16

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138 INVEB!MQATION OB NAB AND OTHER PROPAGANDA 1 INVESTIGATION or NAZI AND OTHEB PBOPAQANDA 139 Tile CHAIRMAN.What is the item of $30,0001 Mr. (~RISTMAB. Paid to the Committee for Sound Currency Sound Dollar. Tile CHAMjbot (talk)MAN. On October 19, 1934, there is an ite Wlist is tlrt~tfor? hlr. (!l1 ltlS'l'hf~8. l'lrose are R clcul-ul) of overlnppillg expolm tllc eomnlittee for Sound Currency and a Sound Dollar. lllleir had bccolllc esllausted and some iterns turned up at a later dab. Tile ~~AIBMAN.On November 8, 1934, $60. Mr. CFIR~STMAS.Tlle sanie purpose as tl The CHAIRMAN.what was this money pd hlr- CHRI~'I'MAS.It was paid out to work for sound cumenc against inflation. That was tllo entire purpose 01 tile Mrlkole It ]lad llotlling Lo do wit11 the Facism or any sucll tlliIl . l'lie CIIAII~~AN. We are not coming to that. we wit later. Outside of the $30 000 and e few items to Currollcy and Sound ~oliarCommittee, it Quire \~ltirnately,wtuj it not? hlr. C?uina~sras.Ultimatc1y, yes. Tire CHA~~MAN. This has nothing to do wit11 any hlr. hlacGuire for his trip to Europe in 19341 &fr. CII~~STMAS. Ngt a thing, sir. They were entirely matters. Tile CIIAI~~MAN. amount was embracd in Mr. MacGu trip to Xurolw? hlr. C~RISTMAS.About $7,000. ~~IAIRMAN.Was it not more than that? h4r. CHI~ISTMAS.NO,sir; it Was not. The CHAIRMAN.Approximate1 $7,9001 f Mr. CHRISTMAS.Approximate y $7,900. Tlla ~HAI~MAN.This shows $153,605.86 prrid, exce~tionof about @3,000, was 'ven to Mr. wit11 the mturrl of $56,489.50. fat is rigllt, is it llot? Mr. 18:18, 4 June 2009 (UTC)BTYAS. well, that sums it up. Perhap inncc\lracy in it, but I should say that sums it up S Tile C~AI~MAN.1 do not want to have any ins WO tiro Ircro to obttrin facts. ~I~RISTMA~. I (10 llot want to quibble about it, hareCllair The 0111 thing is there was one excllmge of cllaks. dTllo HAIRMAN. Tllere was an excllunge, but itdid not prod"* difrcrenc~in tlro rcsull;, did it9 hlr. CHRISTMAS.No. Tile CHAI~~AN. Outside of that anlount CollrlllittC~on Solrnd Ctn?.ency and Solln Mr. CIIBISTYAS.Yes, sir. lllatcl~864,000, $65,000, or $66,000 wllicl~hlr. MacG1.uire rao hLr. CHRISTMAS.Yes, sir. The CHAIRMAN.And which has not been paid back? hlr. Ctilt~STiU~s.Yes. The CHAIMjbot (talk) 18:18, 4 June 2009 (UTC)AN. What was that Inonay used for? hfr- ~IMjbot (talk) 18:18, 4 June 2009 (UTC)T~~AS. Traveling and elltertainlllent exl)cllses, Tlrc ('liainn~a~.$G0,000? hlr. CHRISTMAS.Yes, sir.