Page:Speeches of Carl Schurz (IA speechesofcarlsc00schu).pdf/17

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I. The Irrepressible Conflict. — Mechanics' Hall, Chicago, 28th of September, 1858 9
II. Political Morals. — Albany-Hall, Milwaukee, 18th of November, 1858 38
III. True Americanism. — Faneuil Hall, Boston, 18th of April, 1859 51
IV. The Popular Sovereignty Doctrine. — Hampden Hall, Springfield, 4th of January, 1860 76
V. Ratification of Mr. Lincoln's First Nomination for the Presidency. — Albany Hall, Milwaukee, 26th of May, 1860 105
VI. The Doom of Slavery. — Verandah Hall, St. Louis, 1st of August, 1860 121
VII. The Bill of Indictment. — Cooper Institute, New York, 13th of September, 1860 162
VIII. Free Speech. — Tremont Temple, Boston, 11th of December, 1860 222
IX. Reconciliation by Emancipation. — Cooper Institute, New York, 6th of March, 1862 240
X. Peace, Liberty and Empire. — Concert Hall, Philadelphia, 16th of September, 1864 269
XI. Treason of Slavery. — Academy of Music, Brooklyn, 7th of October, 1864 321
XII. Appeal to Common Sense. — Academy of Music, Milwaukee, 28th of October, 1864 359
