Page:Spiritual Reflections for Every Day in the Year - Vol 1.pdf/359

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Grant, us, merciful Saviour! thy constant guidance in all things, that we may render unto Thee the glory and dominion for ever.

Our Father, &c.

Tuesday Evening.

AGAIN, LORD JESUS, thou, who art the good Shepherd, through the guiding of thy providence, do we present ourselves before Thee in prayer and supplication. We have experienced the blissful assurance that those who follow Thee in the regenerate life, shall not want any good thing; their bread is given, and their water sure! O give us thankful hearts to remember those mercies which have been, through this day, vouchsafed unto us. We thank Thee for all thy goodness towards us. May Thy love be evermore the warmth in our hearts, and thy truth the light in our eyes; so shall our spiritual strength be increased, and our way be made perfect in Thee.

O righteous Father! we beseech Thee to visit those who are in sickness and bodily suffering. Calm their doubts, banish their fears, strengthen them in their affliction, smooth their passage through the valley of the shadow of death, and brighten up their prospects of a glorious immortality. Help us, O Lord our Saviour! evermore to trust in Thee, who art the life of our life, and the rock upon which all our future hopes are built. Stir up in our souls a more ardent love of Thee, that our tongues may break forth in more perfect thanksgiving and praise! Help us to keep thy truth, and to use it diligently for thy glory