Page:Spiritual Reflections for Every Day in the Year - Vol 2.pdf/208

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behold the dawn of another day. May our praises at this time rise to Thee in thankfulness, and be as the sweet incense of the morning sacrifice. Teach us, O Lord, so to walk in Thy precepts, that in our intercourse with the world we may expericnce the delights arising from the exercise of all true charity in our various avocations. In all states of temptation through which we may be called to pass, enable us to perceive Thy guiding power, to know that all Thy corrections are given to dispel our folly, and to increase our wisdom; while Thy constant support is strength to our weakness, and the very bread of heaven nourishing us during our progress on this life's road. It is in the morning, the joyous state of spiritual light and consolation, that we can truly praise Thee, O Lord, for Thy goodness and wonderful works toward us. May we, in every dispensation of Thy providence, perceive that Thou art spreading a table for us in the wilderness, feeding us with marrow and fatness, and filling our cup to overflowing: whilst Thy rod and staff comfort us in our onward progress. O may our faith be more and more confirmed, and may our love be more and more increased; and may we be enabled, by strength imparted from Thee, to shun all the destructive paths of vice and wickedness, and diligently to do those things that are pure, just, and honest. Great God of heaven! so cause Thy light to shine down upon us, and in us, that the internals of our minds may be lit up with Thy glory, and that the good works of love and charity begun and ended in Thee, may shine forth in our outward lives to Thy honour and glory.

Our Father, &c.