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suing what is wrong and vicious, contrary to his understanding and judgment, is called EVIL. The good, then, we do, is of God's own determination; the ill, only of His permission. Thus all human happiness, both here and hereafter, is the gift of God; all sorrow and woe are of man's own creation. The only predestination is to life eternal; but whether that life be happy or otherwise, depends on man's own choice or pursuit. Man's freedom is his state of trial, in which he makes his own choice of what he will be, and how he will live. The good state is called life, the evil, death; and his freedom to choose is thus stated:—"I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing; therefore choose life that both thou and thy seed may live." (Deut. xxx. 19.) Thus man is

"Placed for his trial on this bustling stage,
From thoughtless youth to ruminating age;
Free in will to choose and to refuse:
Man may improve the crisis, or abuse;
Else, on the fatalist's unrighteous plan,
Say to what bar amenable were man?
With nought in charge, he could betray no trust;
And if he fall, would fall because he must;
If Love reward him, or if Vengeance strike,
His recompense in both unjust alike."

The Lord Jesus, as God manifest in the flesh, is the WORD and the TRUTH, and in reference to Him as the Word given to guide, instruct, and bless the human race. He is called the Son of Man. "And truly, the Son of Man goeth, as it was determined; but woe unto that man by whom He is betrayed!"—What is determined? why, that the Truth should go its own way to reveal all the hidden springs of human affection, thought, and life to shew the state that leads