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man to pleasure, and keep up a craving for pleasure.

Thus, when an unlawful pleasure offers itself (which by its nature quickly makes a wound, and pierces to the very marrow of the bones), the heart finds it difficult to reject it, because at other times it has not been in the habit of mortification.

On the other hand, hearts accustomed to turn away from lawful gratifications, when unlawful and shameful ones present themselves, flee from them with the greatest ease, shrinking from their very name as well as from themselves.


What we should do when we have Fallen into this Sin of Impurity.

IF through misfortune, or wilfulness, you have fallen into this sin of the flesh, the remedy (lest you add sin to sin) is to have recourse with all possible speed, without any further examination of conscience, to confession; and putting aside all human prudence, speak frankly, and lay bare all your disease, taking whatever medicine and counsel may be given you, however bitter or painful it may seem to you.