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How this Building of Inward Peace must be gradually constructed.

BE careful, as I have before said, not to permit any thing to disturb your heart, and do not meddle with things which are likely to disquiet it, but labour ever to keep it in peace; since in this way, the Lord will build up within your soul a city of peace, and your heart shall be a house of pleasures and delights. This only He asks of you, that, when you feel agitated, you should begin again to quiet and calm yourself in all your actions and thoughts; for as a city is not built in a day, so neither must you think that this inward peace is to be acquired in a day, because this is nothing less than to build a house for the Lord, and a tabernacle for the Most High, making yourself His temple. And the Lord for Whom it is built must Himself be the Builder of it, otherwise your labour will be lost. Also consider that the grace of humility must be the entire foundation and main support of this work.