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The Epiſtle Dedicatorie.

yet here Saint Auguſtine, and his Commenter Uiues, moſt ſauour of the ſecular: and the one accordingly to Marcellinus, the other to our King Henry, directed their dedications; and as tranſlators are onely tyed, to haue, and giue, true vnderſtanding: ſo are they freer then the authors to ſute them-ſeluesa Patrone. Which as to Scipio, the ſtaffe and ſtay, the type and top of that Cornelian ſtemme, Cic. in Brut. in quam, ut plura_, genera_, in vnam_, arborem, videtur inſita multorum illuminata ſapientia_, your poore Pacuuius, Terence, or Ennius, (or what you liſt, ſo he be yours) thought moſt conuenient to conſecrate, VVherefore his legacie laide at your Honours feete, is rather here deliuered to your Honours humbly thriſe-kiſſed hands by his poore delegate.

Your Lordſhips true-deuoted,

Th. Th.